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The second quarter news letter from HIMS is released. 

On this newsletter, we are going to talk about the following subjects. 

1. Korea's day of Persons with disabilities

On April 20, Korea marks a day of persons with disabilities. Let's talk about this memoriable day.

2. Launching the BrailleSense 6

BrailleSense 6 is launched in the market and we have listed brief advantages of the world best notetkaer, BrailleSense 6. 

Let's check what we can do with this amazing device!

3. SightCity 2021

Due to COVID 19, there was no live exhibition in Frankfurt this year. However, HIMS team performed the webinars during the Sightcity. 

4. NIA Exhibition in Korea 

There was very special exhibition in Korea, beginning on May 1st. Let's chekc how it works and what we did for our customers.